Thanks to the power of our visualizations, Steelblox was able to secure vital investments to catapult their growth. Today, the revolutionary startup has transformed into the highly successful entity known as Ikkonic.
We inspire people to run their businesses with the help of top technologies and innovative management systems
Keep your customer base in one place. Try the fastest way to communicate
If a building becomes architecture, then it is art
Lago di Braies
The lake lies at the foot of the rock wall of the Croda del Becco (ted. Seekofel , lad. Sass dla Porta 2,810 m) and is located within the natural park Fanes - Senes and Braies.
Stanley Park, Vancouver
It is a 405-hectare public park that borders the downtown of Vancouver in British Columbia, Canada, and is almost entirely surrounded by waters of Vancouver Harbour and English Bay.
Sahalie Falls, US
After the South Fork confluence, the main stem of the McKenzie River continues west through a narrow valley in the mountains, receiving the Blue River from the north at the community of Blue River.
NEEDS - show customers the design of the lamp even before it's production - regularly publish content on social networks, website, press
SOLUTION - we create high-quality photorealistic renders of lamp projects - each week we deliver new 2 packshots and 1 interior render
We have developed the unique system for working with customers.It allows to achieve excellent result in the shortest time.
Thanks to the renders we create together, Atelier001 can showcase collections on the website and receive pre-orders for products even before they are created.
Every day Atelier001 posts content on his Instagram page, including the one that we create together. This involves a new audience and more and more people, their potential clients, will learn about them.